Land Rover Canada

Land Rover Canada for info on all new Land Rovers along with downloadable owners manuals for older models, GPS update info, etc.

Jaguar Canada

Jaguar Canada for info on all new Land Rovers along with downloadable owners manuals for older models, GPS update info, etc.

Ottawa Valley Land Rover Club

The Ottawa Valley Land Rover Club where you can get together with like minded Land Rover enthusiasts. Very active in the Ottawa area with lots of off road events to keep you occupied throughout the year!

Ottawa Jaguar Club

The Ottawa Jaguar Club where you can get together with like minded Jaguar enthusiasts. Very active in the Ottawa area with lots of events to keep you occupied!

Uniglass Ziebart

One of our preferred accessory suppliers, they offer pretty much everything to protect your pride and joy, from high quality alarms and remote start systems to window tinting, repair & replacement, rust protection and more!–store.html

Our preferred towing company, always deliver a first class, friendly service to all our customers. Contact them via their website at or call their 24 hour hotline (613) 519-0312